July 30, 2018

Orange County

OC Register: Does Orange County need 72 more hotels?

The hotel industry that in 2018’s first five months room rates rose 3.9 percent in a year to $191 a night as 79.5 percent of rooms were full vs. 79.3 percent a year earlier.


OC Register: Garden Grove and Seal Beach put a local sales tax request on the November ballot

Both will ask voters in November to approve adding a 1 percent sales tax; the revenue will go toward their operating budgets.


OC Register: Lawyers in Santa Ana River Trail homeless lawsuit seek suspension of local anti-camping and loitering ordinances

The attorneys representing homeless people who were displaced from tent encampments at the Santa Ana River Trail earlier this year are asking a federal judge for a temporary halt to local ordinances that allow tickets and arrests of people who camp out or loiter in public spaces.


Daily Pilot: Chargers open preseason training camp in Costa Mesa

The smiles were out and the anticipation was brimming Saturday as the Los Angeles Chargers welcomed a throng of fans to the opening of the NFL team’s second preseason training camp in Costa Mesa.


Daily Pilot: Costa Mesa Sanitary District adopts map for 5 voting districts for board elections

The sanitary district provides sewer and curbside trash collection services to about 116,700 ratepayers in Costa Mesa, parts of Newport Beach and unincorporated sections of Orange County.


Labor 411: State's Supreme Court to employers: You have to pay workers for 'off-the-clock' tasks

It’s the result of a six-year legal battle between Starbucks and Douglas Troester, a California worker who sued the company for not paying him for closing tasks that he said took four to 10 additional minutes after he clocked out each day.



Associated Press: 6 die as Northern California wildfire rages largely unchecked

The deadly Northern California wildfire that has forced tens of thousands of people to flee their homes burned virtually unchecked Sunday as fire crews surveyed a small town that was reduced to an ashy moonscape of blackened trees and smoldering rubble


Publication Date: July 30, 2018