January 24, 2019

Orange County

Voice of OC: New headcount underway of Homeless people living in OC

Over 2,200 people are currently homeless on the streets in Orange County, according to unofficial numbers from the first day of the biennial Point in Time count, but volunteer teams reported difficulty finding homeless people.


KRON: California's homeless rate is on the rise, lawmakers say localities should be held accountable

Although the state has more than 18 different homelessness related programs across six different departments, national housing experts say the state needs to develop more coordination among them.


Voice of OC: Santa Ana councilman’s removal trial postponed as he negotiates deal

A public trial on whether to remove Roman Reyna from the Santa Ana City Council was postponed Wednesday, and might not happen at all, after Reyna initiated last-minute negotiations to strike a deal to avoid the civil trial.


OC Register: Anaheim’s Ducks, Angels could anchor sprawling entertainment complex of businesses, homes

Neither the Angels nor Ducks organizations would comment on future development plans. But most of the land in question sits in the eastern part of the Platinum Triangle, an 820-acre area that has added hundreds of new apartments in recent years.


OC Register: Home sales slump: 19 trends behind 14% dip in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Westminster purchases

Homebuying in what we’ll call the “Beach Blvd. Corridor” fell 14 percent from August through November vs. the same period in 2017 amid a steep countywide slowdown.


LA Times: Laguna puts hold on developer’s proposal of $250,000 to aid Community Development Department

Local hotel and real estate investor Mo Honarkar proposed funding a new city employee or an outside contractor for up to $180,000 per year to help the Community Development Department expedite work on major projects.



Labor 411: Federal agency calls nearly 10,000 more employees to work without pay

The employees, whose local and state offices had been largely shuttered when a quarter of the federal government shut down in December, will be working without receiving regular paychecks.


Publication Date: January 24, 2019