March 19, 2019

Orange County

Voice of OC: Orange County takes first step to spur homeless housing

Supervisors unanimously adopted the Orange County Housing Trust Fund agreement. Cities throughout the county need to approve a similar agreement in order to participate in the trust.


Voice of OC: California news media partnership forms to publish police misconduct records

Our hope as publishers, editors and reporters is that this unprecedented cooperation between 33 of California’s newsrooms will shine a light on police misconduct and use of force.


OC Register: Orange County’s top doc retires, nonprofit leaders say he ‘was never dissuaded by a challenge’’

Orange County Public Health Officer Dr. Eric Handler, who crafted several significant public-private partnerships on homelessness and hunger, retired Friday, March 15, after nearly 13 years on the job.


Voice of OC: Kristine Ridge set to become next Santa Ana city manager

The City Council members will vote tonight on appointing Kristine Ridge as the new city manager, as the city faces a leadership vacuum that began three months ago with the exit of two top officials.


OCEA: Don’t miss out on discount tickets to April 4, 2019 Angels v. Rangers game!

Offer expires March 22. Save an estimated $16 per person for tickets in the Lower MVP Section. Special prices are also available for the Left Field Pavilion.



Nevada Current: Workers demand state protection from wage theft

One man spoke of his experience working for an employer who gradually stopped paying him before threatening to report him to the U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


Sacramento Bee: California judges say they are owed $40 million in back wages

Five months after the California Supreme Court ordered Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration to pay about $40 million it owed judges, the state still hasn’t paid the money — and the bill for back wages is swelling.


Publication Date: March 19, 2019