July 7, 2020 Media Brief

Orange County

Voice of OC: Hospitals preparing for crisis care strategies as virus patients rise sharply

Orange County coronavirus hospitalizations are now rising faster than at any other point in the pandemic, with patient counts jumping closer to levels where hospitals could go further into “crisis care” surge measures like converting waiting areas and tents into treatment rooms, according to county health officials.


Daily Pilot: O.C. logs 1,028 new coronavirus infections in 24-hour period; young account for most cases

Officials with the Orange County Health Care Agency reported no new deaths in their daily tracking but confirmed a 13.8% testing positivity rate among the 4,157 tests reported Monday, compared to a statewide rate of just 6.8%.


Voice of OC: Hunger strike grips OC jails over holiday break due to lack of visitations/hot meals

Since the pandemic started, Orange County jail officials have suspended family visits and hot meals. Now some people in jail are refusing to eat until they are given back hot meals and family visitations.


OC Register: Brethren Christian school in Huntington Beach will close after 73 years

With Brethren Christian facing a $650,000 deficit for next year’s budget, keeping the school open would mean additional staff and teacher cuts, “which would compromise the excellent education BCHS has always provided,” the school’s board chair, Lee Wilhite, said in a letter to the school community sent Monday, July 6, and shared with The Orange County Register.


OC Register: Petition asks OC Health Care Agency to report COVID-19 in restaurants

Reports are always available about rats and roaches in restaurants, so why not regularly post a list of eateries closed when employees have contracted COVID-19, which can be deadly?



Voice of OC: Despite mask enforcement issues, Gov. Newsom expresses confidence in OC

Despite Orange County’s and the LA County cities’ different approaches to enforcement — and an alarming spike in hospitalizations in both counties and the entire state — Newsom expressed little concern in response to Voice of OC questions on two occasions, during a news conference on Thursday last week and Monday this week.


KTLA: Experimental treatment may have rid man of HIV

A Brazilian man infected with the AIDS virus has shown no sign of it for more than a year since he stopped HIV medicines after an intense experimental drug therapy aimed at purging hidden, dormant virus from his body, doctors reported Tuesday.



Associated Press: Political donors among early recipients of coronavirus loans

As much as $273 million in federal coronavirus aid was awarded to more than 100 companies that are owned or operated by major donors to President Donald Trump’s election efforts, according to an Associated Press analysis of federal data


Publication Date: July 7, 2020