July 13, 2020 Media Brief

Orange County

Voice of OC: As restaurants face Coronavirus outbreaks, OC puts health inspectors on the sidelines

In a shift from past practice, Interim County Health Officer Dr. Clayton Chau said last week the county’s health inspectors don’t have the authority to enforce any orders related to coronavirus, and instead can only enforce food safety violations.


OC Register: Coronavirus: Orange County reported 814 new cases and 2 new deaths as of July 12

The Orange County Health Care Agency reported another 814 cases of the coronavirus as of Sunday, July 12 pushing Orange County’s total to 24,715 since local testing began in March. There were two new deaths reported, bringing the total to 423.


Voice of OC: OC Board of Ed call for a return to classes with no masks or social distancing

The Orange County Board of Education is hosting a special meeting tomorrow, where officials are expected to recommend that schools return in the fall — without implementing the use of face masks, social distancing or reduced class sizes.


Daily Pilot: A retired teacher leads the masked resistance in Newport Beach

Lynn Lorenz said she’s gotten dirty looks from people for being masked. As if she’s the one who’s a bad neighbor. “They’re thinking either that I’m a liberal, or that in Newport Beach, having to wear a mask is an infringement on their rights,” Lorenz said.


OC Register: In wake of Floyd killing, police in Orange County talk reform

And every Orange County agency already meets several more demands from police reform advocates, including requiring officers to go through de-escalation training, to carry non-lethal weapons and to report excessive force by other officers.


Voice of OC: OC Supervisors kill off John Wayne Airport renaming discussion

Going into Tuesday’s public county supervisors’ meeting, it looks as if there’s no official appetite to put the renaming issue up for a formal discussion, much less a vote, given that the public agendas out as of Friday afternoon had no supervisor requesting any discussion about the name on JWA.



OC Register: California shuts bars, indoor dining and most gyms, churches

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has extended the closure of bars and indoor dining statewide and has ordered gyms, churches and hair salons closed in most places as coronavirus cases keep rising in the nation’s most populated state.


Daily Pilot: The inside story of how California failed mass coronavirus testing

The pileup of samples left LA County’s testing infrastructure bottlenecked and on the brink of collapse. A county memo asked hospitals to turn away any suspected coronavirus patient with mild symptoms — without a test and without reporting the case.


Publication Date: July 13, 2020