July 31, 2020 Media Brief

Orange County

Voice of OC: Essential public workers and all Americans need broad federal assistance immediately - OCEA's Barfield

Our local communities need the resources to continue to meet the challenge of the moment. Local public servants have met this crisis with laudable professionalism and courage. Our elected representatives in Washington, and specifically the Senate majority, cannot abandon essential workers or their public employers in this time of unprecedented need.


Voice of OC: Regional water board nears decision on Huntington Beach plant

The 20-year battle between seawater desalters and Orange County environmentalists and community activists neared a turning point Thursday, the first in a series of final public hearings around a Huntington Beach desalination plant proposal before local regulators.


Voice of OC: Confusion reigns around county’s coronavirus death counts and hospitalizations

Four months into the Coronavirus pandemic, Orange County Health Care Agency officials are still struggling to get the public timely, accurate data about how many people are dying from Covid or how many are in the hospital with the virus.


OC Register: Takeaways from the latest filed on Angel Stadium development plans

Anaheim and SRB Management officials are still working out details of the development agreement, which is expected to include affordable housing units, additional park land and other public benefits at a cost to be negotiated.



KTLA: Fears grow that release of thousands of inmates from state prisons will spread virus

Missteps by corrections officials handling releases from state prisons are fueling fears in some California counties that thousands of inmates eligible for early release will spread the coronavirus in their communities


KTLA: State to consider strict law to punish police that fail to intervene against excessive force

Outraged that Minneapolis officers stood by while their colleague killed George Floyd, California lawmakers are considering a tough law to punish police who fail to intervene when witnessing potential excessive force — including possible criminal charges and being banned from law enforcement.



NY Times: Together, you can redeem the soul of our nation – Rep. John Lewis

While my time here has now come to an end, I want you to know that in the last days and hours of my life you inspired me. You filled me with hope about the next chapter of the great American story when you used your power to make a difference in our society


Publication Date: July 31, 2020