August 17, 2020

Orange County

Voice of OC: Orange County draws questions over translation priorities during pandemic

Voice of OC asked top county officials when the testing sign-up will be translated, which languages will be available, and why has that not happened already in the month that site has been open, given the quick translation of the restaurant grant application. In his response, the county’s top public health official did not say why the testing sign-up wasn’t translated, but said Spanish and Vietnamese forms would be available soon, without specifying when.


OC Register: Westminster School District trustee resigns after voter fraud charges

On July 31, the Orange County District Attorney filed a complaint in Orange County Superior Court claiming that Westminster School District Trustee Xavier Nguyen committed perjury by submitting “fraudulent nomination papers” when he ran for office two years ago.


Daily Mail, UK: 'Wild pack of Karens' accuse Costa Mesa, CA grocery store of 'committing WAR CRIMES' for denying them entry because they refused to put on face masks

The video begins with one woman standing at the closed doors of the store as she complains: 'I don't know what country I'm in. I thought I was in the United States!' Another woman says the incident is 'worse than communism'.


Voice of OC: Live “Feet to the Fire” election podcast Wednesday

Voice of OC will lead the discussion featuring: Orange County election experts Fred Smoller and Mike Moodian along with Orange County political party chairs Fred Whitaker (Republican Party) and Ada Briceño (Democratic Party). The video recording will be available promptly after the live discussion and later as an audio segment via podcast directories.



OC Register: Californians urged to conserve electricity as heatwave strains power grid

Officials urged Californians Sunday, Aug. 16, to conserve power and help stem potential blackouts during a heatwave that is expected to drive up the need for electricity this week.



Associated Press: Politics slows flow of US virus funds to local public health

While Minneapolis Health Commissioner Gretchen Musicant diverted workers from violence prevention and other core programs to the COVID-19 response, state officials debated how to distribute $1.87 billion Minnesota received in federal aid. As she waited, the Minnesota Zoo got $6 million in federal money to continue operations, and a debt collection company outside Minneapolis received at least $5 million from the federal Paycheck Protection Program, according to federal data.


Publication Date: August 17, 2020