September 4, 2020

Orange County

Voice of OC: OC reopening plans lack engagement of worker groups or school safety

County of Orange officials on Thursday noted they haven’t discussed reopening plans with the region’s labor groups on the eve of more business re-openings, and are largely distancing themselves from enforcement responsibilities when it comes to schools’ compliance with state reopening guidelines.


Daily Pilot: Santa Ana tried to defund the police. What happened next?

As protests continue across the country in support of defunding the police, reporter Adam Elmahrek looked into how immigrants, residents, activists and leaders attempted a similar movement in Santa Ana almost a decade ago.


Daily Pilot: Activists concerned over rise in Orange County homeless deaths

The Rev. Dennis Kriz believes the rising deaths could be due to COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus. The coroner’s data doesn’t list a cause of death if it’s from natural causes. More than 90 of the causes are left blank in the coroner’s data.


OC Register: Angel Stadium sale to net Anaheim $150 million, commitment of 466 affordable homes, 7-acre park

Anaheim may end up banking less than half the initial $325 million sales price for Angel Stadium, after subtracting the value of community benefits the city requested, including 466 affordable housing units and a 7-acre “flagship city park,” under a proposed development agreement.



ABC7: Californians asked to save power as heat wave hits this weekend

Triple digit temperatures are expected again this Labor Day weekend across Southern California. The state has issued a Flex Alert, asking for Californians to try to minimize electricity usage during the peak hours, 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday through Monday.


KTLA: AB-5 could target food grocery delivery services next

By going after Uber and Lyft ride-hailing businesses for allegedly violating a worker classification law, the California Attorney General is taking on what had long been the jewel of the on-demand economy. How the state’s top lawyer fares could determine whether other parts of the industry are similarly targeted — in particular, fast-growing on-demand grocery and food delivery businesses.



CBS: Pelosi, Mnuchin informally agree on plan to avoid government shutdown

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have reached an informal agreement to avoid a government shutdown at the end of the month, a source familiar with the discussions confirmed to CBS News. The two agreed that any legislation to keep the government open past the September 30 funding deadline should be "clean," meaning absent of any controversial provisions.


Publication Date: September 4, 2020