September 2, 2020

Orange County

OC Register: Orange County surpasses 1,000 coronavirus deaths

Half a year into the pandemic, Orange County has crossed another solemn threshold: four-digit deaths related to the coronavirus. The county’s Health Care Agency recorded 19 new COVID-19 deaths on Wednesday, Sept. 2, bringing Orange County’s total to 1,007.


OC Register: Santa Ana provides new data that Orange County is ‘dumping’ homeless

Much of Orange County is transporting homeless people into Santa Ana, placing an unfair burden on that city to address the county’s homelessness crisis, city officials allege in court documents filed Monday.


Voice of OC: Santa Ana relaxes affordable housing laws, declines residents more time for rent control petition

A majority of Santa Ana council members without discussion on Tuesday finalized measures that make it easier for housing developers to build higher-income apartments in the city.


Voice of OC: If approved, Costa Mesa retail cannabis measure is expected to bring financial windfall

City Staff estimate that doing so could bring in between $1.4 million to $3.1 million at a time when the pandemic has cost Costa Mesa millions in sales tax revenue. Cannabis sales would be taxed between 4% and 7%.


OC Register: Honda Center joins other arenas as November polling place; will offer drive-thru option

The Anaheim arena will be one of Orange County’s polling stations for the Nov. 3 election, officials have announced – and with a feature that hasn’t been offered here since first tested in 2008: drive-thru voting.


Voice of OC: Irvine councilman’s taxpayer funded mailers called into question

In a complaint filed by Councilwoman Melissa Fox, a Democrat also running for state assembly, reports by city staff laid out how Carroll – running as a Republican – authorized spending $40,000 in the last fiscal year on the city mailers, and an additional $32,000 in just the last two months.



Labor 411: Auto industry analysts: trade war has backfired, sending U.S. auto jobs To China

While the Administration has repeatedly said that trade wars are “easy to win,” the U.S. has so far failed to get the Chinese to yield after nearly three years and is now trying to reach out directly to American businesses.



Voice of OC: Statewide law gives OC renters, homeowners eviction and foreclosure protection

Orange County residents won’t be evicted for failing to pay rent during the coronavirus pandemic due to a new state law banning evictions until February next year, but people will still have to pay their rent in full by then.


Publication Date: September 2, 2020