September 9, 2020

Orange County

Voice of OC: Anaheim Planning Commission could move $150 million Angel Stadium sale to Council

The Anaheim Planning Commission is slated to vote today on Angel Stadium development plans that would bring the city one step closer to selling the land for $150 million, less than half of the price tag revealed last year.


Voice of OC: State overrides Irvine on Vets Cemetery location

Meanwhile, the Orange County Veterans Memorial Park Foundation broke off from the Irvine effort altogether, citing frustration over delays, announcing support for an alternate site on county property near the intersection of the 241 and the 91 freeway yesterday.


Voice of OC: OC churches and movie theater get limited reopening

The businesses will join a host of others that have been open for months, like auto part stores, grocery stores, department stores, mechanics, sporting goods stores and more.


OC Register: How Southern California families are making distance learning work

Parents share creative solutions to get organized, create school spaces at home and even how to use a candy jar.



Labor 411: American’s approval of labor unions is highest in years

The fall campaign to repeal California’s ban on affirmative action is a testament to the tectonic shift in the state’s politics since the 1990s — and a test of how far left its voters have swung from their politically purple past.



OC Register: What is Proposition 16? Affirmative action back on the ballot, in a more diverse and Democratic California

The fall campaign to repeal California’s ban on affirmative action is a testament to the tectonic shift in the state’s politics since the 1990s — and a test of how far left its voters have swung from their politically purple past.


OC Register: Coronavirus: California has cut three key metrics by half or more

There were fewer people hospitalized from COVID-19 than any point since mid-June, while the seven-day positivity rate fell to 4% — half its peak — for the first time since late-May, according to data analyzed by this news organization.


Publication Date: September 9, 2020