October 15, 2020 Media Brief

Orange County

Voice of OC: Money, political battles surround controversial housing project before Orange voters

A contentious land use battle chock-full of political spending is playing out in the City of Orange, and comes to a head in November after residents decide on whether they want 128 homes on an old quarry site in the city’s east end.


Voice of OC: County political parties as money laundering vehicles for politicians

A new money laundering investigation in Orange County is highlighting a statewide pattern of county political parties acting as money conduits to candidates, in ways that have led to multiple fines for concealing the true source of money and evading contribution limits.


Voice of OC: Seal Beach reclassifies city jail to a temporary holding facility, ending overnight lockups

Inmates are no longer being held overnight at the Seal Beach city jail, in a move city officials described as a money saving measure and a response to the nation’s call for police reform.


Daily Pilot: Petitioners hope to dim plans for LED billboards at Costa Mesa’s Triangle Square

A plan to install 2,600-square-feet of LED billboards at Costa Mesa’s Triangle Square — part of a bid to attract new tenants and boost revenue at the struggling shopping center — is scheduled to go before the Planning Commission in November.



OC Register: Ballot box strategy is bigger than previously reported

California GOP officials said this afternoon that they plan to continue using their own ballot boxes which they insist is legal under California’s ballot collection laws. A party spokesperson said the Republicans have agreed to stop labeling the boxes as “official,” which he called a “poor choice of wording.”


KTLA: Wildfire smoke on West Coast exposes millions to hazardous pollution

Wildfires churning out dense plumes of smoke as they scorch part of the U.S. West Coast have exposed more than 8 million people to hazardous pollution levels, according to an Associated Press analysis.



CBS: Amy Coney Barrett confirmation set for October 22

The Senate Judiciary Committee concluded its fourth and final day of hearings for the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Thursday, with President Trump's pick to fill the open seat on the high court clearing the first barrier to confirmation with few hiccups ahead of a committee vote slated for next week.


Publication Date: October 15, 2020