October 16, 2020 Media Brief

Orange County

Voice of OC: Coronavirus trends move in right direction, supervisors to bolster distribution effort

Orange County officials say the county is moving in the right direction as coronavirus testing rates have started to drop, which could allow for more people inside businesses.


OC Register: Schools take different paths on testing as vaccine chatter begins

About a month after many started instruction, Orange County public schools are taking a variety of approaches on testing for COVID-19 as they reopen classrooms and begin to ponder the potential arrival of a vaccine.


OC Register: Pandemic erects barriers for prized bloc of voters in nursing homes, senior facilities

Many seniors who need help to get or fill out their ballots may be stymied by shifting rules about family visits. Voting procedures — whether in person or by mail — are under increased scrutiny, adding to the confusion.


OC Register: Former Angels employee indicted in connection with Skaggs death

Former Angels employee Eric Kay has been indicted on two counts of federal drug crimes in connection to the death of Tyler Skaggs last year.



Labor 411: NLRB attorney says workers were fired for complaining about a tip policy

The National Labor Relations Act ‘undeniably’ protected the Nusr-Et Steakhouse workers per longstanding agency case law holding workers are shielded from retaliation when they complain about tip pools.



KTLA: State unemployment rate ticks down as state reigns in jobs lost during pandemic start

California’s unemployment rate ticked down last month as the state slowly recouped some of its lost jobs, even as the state continued to rack up coronavirus cases.


KTLA: Governor to appeal Trump administrations rejection of states request for wildfire aid

California will appeal President Donald Trump’s administration’s rejection of the state’s request for disaster relief funds aimed at cleaning up the damage from six recent wildfires, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Friday.


Publication Date: October 16, 2020