October 22, 2020 Media Brief

Orange County

Voice of OC: Candidate money sources come to light too late as many have voted early

That’s partly because political candidates under California elections law didn’t have to file their final, most comprehensive and summarized reports on who’s giving them their campaign money — known as form 460s — until today.


Voice of OC: Disney spending 1.5 million towards resort friendly Anaheim council candidates

The Anaheim City Council races are a battle between Disneyland resort-backed candidates against underfunded, anti-resort subsidy candidates in an election year that could see the current resort-friendly council majority swing the other way.


Voice of OC: GGUSD to phase in reopening of schools amid pushback

After delaying a return to the classroom, some schools in the Garden Grove Unified School District are now set to reopen next week as some pushback against a return in the district carries on.


Voice of OC: OC prosecutors “inappropriately abandoned” plan to tell defendants about informant violations say DA Todd Spitzer

A report issued in June by DA special prosecutor Pat Dixon, centers on Orange County’s biggest law enforcement scandal in decades – centered on misuse of jailhouse informants and lies in court testimony that hid evidence of the wrongdoing that led to the entire DA’s office being kicked off the biggest mass murder case in the county’s history.


Voice of OC: City council hopefuls vie to take charge of Buena Park

Two seats are up for grabs in one of Orange County’s northernmost cities — Buena Park — and three members of the community are hoping to win them.



KTLA: California court joins in barring Trump census order excluding people in US illegally

California-based federal judges have joined in blocking President Donald Trump’s executive order excluding people in the U.S. illegally from being counted when congressional districts are redrawn after this year’s census.


KTLA: Prolonged shutdown of California theme parks hits jobs, shops budget, in community

Now that state health officials announced strict new rules for reopening the parks, attractions spanning from Disneyland to Universal Studios are bracing for an even longer shutdown — and so are the surrounding communities lined with hotels, restaurants and shops that cater to visitors who no longer walk their streets.



Associated Press: Debate night for Trump and Biden in final campaign faceoff

President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden are set to square off in their final debate Thursday, one of the last high-profile opportunities for the trailing incumbent to change the trajectory of an increasingly contentious campaign.


Publication Date: October 22, 2020