December 1, 2020

Orange County

Voice of OC: OC continues to grapple with skyrocketing Coronavirus cases and hospitalizations

The county’s hospitalizations increased by 230% during November and OC has averaged roughly 1,000 new virus cases a day for the past week. The positivity rate also more than doubled to over 8%.Those trends are before a potential Thanksgiving spike, which has local public health experts and critical care doctors worried.


Voice of OC: Many OC businesses might be shutdown because of rapid Coronavirus spread

State public health officials are ringing alarm bells, warning hospitals could be nearly maxed out with patients by Christmas time, unless additional measures are taken like more business restrictions and a stay-home order.


Voice of OC: Who will represent the County’s coast on the Board of Supervisors

Three Republicans are now officially running for the seat: John Moorlach, a former state senator and county supervisor for the 2nd District; Huntington Beach Councilman Mike Posey; and Newport Beach Councilman Kevin Muldoon.


OC register: Newport Beach to partner with Costa Mesa for homeless shelter

The Costa Mesa-based shelter will also be providing wrap-around services, including mental health and employment assistance, to help people move from the shelter to more permanent housing.



OC Register: Disneyland furloughs another 1,800 employees with theme parks closed for ‘foreseeable future’

Disneyland remains closed as large California theme parks are unlikely to return to full operation until early 2021 or next summer under COVID-19 health and safety reopening guidelines issued by the state.



OC Register: Newsom unveils tax relief, cash grants for small businesses

Small businesses in California will get more time to turn over sales tax collections to the state, allowing them to use those dollars “for any obligations you may have,” Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday, Nov. 30, during an online press briefing.



Biden: Cancel Student Loans Immediately

Biden is calling on Congress to act on student loan forgiveness. As a former U.S. senator from Delaware, Biden knows well that Congress has authority to decide federal spending, which includes student loans and student loan forgiveness.


Publication Date: December 1, 2020