December 28, 2020

Orange County

Voice of OC: County mental health crisis - COVID, lockdown, economic downturn and lack of health care

Mental health is greatly suffering during the Coronavirus Pandemic. 2-1-1, Orange County’s 24/7 hotline for those struggling with mental health, has seen a profound increase in calls during this past year, most likely due to the Coronavirus pandemic. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255.


Voice of OC: UC Irvine docs learn early detection of vulnerable COVID patients, hospitalizations increase

“The idea is to help identify patients who are more high risk and who likely need more critical care, it allows people to plan and act right away,” said Dr. Daniel Chow, a UC Irvine radiologist who helped develop the program.


Daily Pilot: Fountain Valley Regional respiratory therapists at epicenter of COVID-19 battle say they are burning out

Fountain Valley Regional Hospital & Medical Center respiratory therapists — whose skills and training place them squarely in the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic — are describing increasingly untenable work conditions as the facility struggles against its capacity to admit and treat COVID-19 patients.


Voice of OC: Food industry saw closures, openings, pivots and perseverance

The closure of dining rooms left thousands applying for unemployment. Chefs and restaurateurs stepped up to support their colleagues. Candace and Allan Tea of Hello Kitty Cafe founded Cali Dumpling Delivery, a specialty food service that raised $20,000 on behalf of affected industry professionals.


OC Register: OC Sheriff’s Department pays nearly $1 million a year in salary for problem deputies to stay home

They are among dozens of problem cops paid by the Sheriff’s Department to stay home during work hours until their disciplinary cases are investigated. From Jan. 1, 2015, to Sept. 10, 2020, these 104 deputies, investigators and captains collected $5.4 million in pay — but produced no work.



Associated Press: As COVID-19 ravages US, shootings, killings are also up

Experts point to social and economic upheaval caused by the COVID-19 virus, public sentiment toward police following George Floyd’s death at the hands of police and a historic shortage of jobs and resources in poorer communities as contributing factors. It’s happening in cities large and small, Democrat and Republican-led.


OC Register: Trump signs massive measure funding government, $600 stimulus checks/a>

The massive bill includes $1.4 trillion to fund government agencies through September and contains other end-of-session priorities such as money for cash-starved transit systems and an increase in food stamp benefits.


Publication Date: December 28, 2020