January 14, 2021

Orange County

Voice of OC: Will Orange County have enough Coronavirus vaccines to hit herd immunity by summer?

Gov. Gavin Newsom doesn’t know when California is going to get the millions of doses required to boost vaccination rates to herd immunity levels, which experts peg at roughly 70% of the population.


OC Register: COVID-19 vaccine shots begin at Disneyland, OC’s first supersite

Cars and socially spaced crowds amassed at Disneyland’s Toy Story parking lot Wednesday, Jan. 13, as hundreds queued for coronavirus vaccines at Orange County’s first mass-vaccination site, a pivotal step toward county leaders’ new goal of delivering 1.5 million shots per month.


Voice of OC: Charges dropped in 67 criminal cases due to sheriff evidence mishandling

Criminal charges and convictions have been dropped against 67 people because of evidence mishandling at the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, prosecutors revealed Wednesday.


Voice of OC: OC Fair seeks input on removing the pride flag while annual event faces questions

Efforts to solve a lack of diversity at the Orange County Fairgrounds have morphed into the possible removal of the Pride Flag, currently flying at the state property in Costa Mesa.



KTLA: Competition for COVID-19 doses intensifies among state counties

California made another 4 million people eligible for the coronavirus vaccine on Wednesday, intensifying a competition among the state’s biggest counties as they race to acquire enough doses to inoculate their populations while the state endures another surge in new cases and deaths.



AP News: DC locks down a week ahead of Biden and Harris Inauguration

All through downtown Washington, the primary sound for several blocks was the beeping of forklifts unloading more fencing. There were no cars or scooters and seemingly no tourists Wednesday, just the occasional jogger and multiple construction crews at work. The U.S. Capitol, which proved such a soft target last week, was visible only through lines of tall, black fence.


Publication Date: January 14, 2021