January 29, 2021

Orange County

Voice of OC: Latinos are being left behind in the OC’s Coronavirus vaccination efforts

“My initial thought is that the efforts so far have been disappointing. We obviously realized who has been disproportionately affected by the virus are the ones being vaccinated at a very low and dismal rate,” Santa Ana Mayor Vicente Sarmiento said in a Friday phone interview.


Voice of OC: Language translations delayed for OC Coronavirus Othena vaccine app

Translations are just part of the problems plaguing the vaccine rollout, with county supervisors publicly criticizing health care agency officials on Tuesday for numerous glitches, saying they’re flooded with complaints from residents about the app.


Daily Pilot: Huntington Beach City Council to vote on removing Tito Ortiz as mayor pro tem

An agenda item brought forward by three city council colleagues asks that the panel do three things: Consider a “No Confidence” vote in Mayor pro tem Tito Ortiz, remove him from the position and identify another council member to serve as mayor pro tem for the remainder of 2021.


Voice of OC: Costa Mesa council members to ask themselves what city’s future is today

Costa Mesa council members, new and old, are set to meet this morning and talk about what their main goals will be for the next three years and how best to accomplish them.


Voice of OC: Local artists create murals to honor legends and inspire communities

Museums in OC have been closed since November, and even if they do reopen soon, many people may not feel completely comfortable visiting them given the spread of COVID-19. The county has seen a surge in murals recently, and they are a great way to appreciate art in a socially distant manner.



KTLA: Shirley Weber confirmed by lawmakers to become first African-American elections chief

California lawmakers on Thursday gave final approval to the appointment of the state’s first Black top election official, filling a position vacated when the former secretary of state became California’s first Latino U.S. senator.


KTLA: Governor Newsom signs bill extending COVID-19 eviction protections through June

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law on Friday that extends eviction protections through the end of June. Last year, Newsom signed a law that banned evictions for unpaid rent for tenants who paid at least 25% of their rent owed after Sept. 1. That law was set to expire on Monday. But the law Newsom signed on Thursday extends those protections through June 30.



NBC: Biden to focus next week on strictly COVID

President Joe Biden is planning to wind down his initial burst of executive actions by the middle of next week and shift his focus to getting key parts of his legislative agenda passed, with the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package as the top priority, according to three administration officials.


Publication Date: January 29, 2021