February 1, 2021

Orange County

Voice of OC: Have new Coronavirus strains arrived in Orange County?

Local epidemiologists worry that new coronavirus strains could spread easier and produce another surge, with one strain potentially resistant to vaccines.


Voice of OC; In the absence of clear vaccine access, information is the best medicine

Orange County is in the midst of a devastating second wave of Coronavirus in Orange County, our 11th month of varying lockdowns and now a confusing rollout of vaccines. Julie Sandorf, president of the Charles H. Revson Foundation said, “In the absence of a vaccine, information is the best medicine.”


Voice of OC: OC GOP leaders split on who should win supervisor’s race with voting to start soon

A majority of Republicans on the county Board of Supervisors are breaking with their county party and endorsing Newport Beach Councilman Kevin Muldoon, despite GOP efforts to coalesce around the party-endorsed candidate John Moorlach.


Voice of OC: Costa Mesa grapples with getting housing needs and finances in order in the midst of Coronavirus

Costa Mesa council members on Friday got together with residents to prioritize the city’s biggest issues over the next few years and how to tackle them.


OC Register: OCTA plans new $38 million operations building in Anaheim

It will replace a three-decades-old facility that was not designed to accommodate emergency services or today’s technology, and that doesn’t have enough space, said Orange County Supervisor Andrew Do, who chairs OCTA’s board.


Black History Month

Voice of OC: Celebrating Black joy as an alternative form of resistance and reclaiming humanity

Cal State Fullerton African American studies professor Mei-Ling Malone explains: “Black joy is an act of resistance. The whole idea of oppression is to keep people down. So when people continue to shine and live fully, it is resistance in the context of our white supremacist world.”



Labor 411: McDonald’s becomes first fast food chain to allow time off to get vaccines

The incentive, however, is only available to workers at McDonald’s locations that are owned by the McDonald’s corporation, or about 5% of the company’s total workforce. The remaining 95% of workers are employees of the franchise owners.



LA Times: Republicans are emerging to run for governor should Newsom recall qualify

Right-wing activist Mike Cernovich announced Monday that he too would run for governor if the recall qualifies. The 43-year-old, has pushed false conspiracy theories such as a pedophile ring being run out of a pizza parlor in Washington, D.C.


Publication Date: February 1, 2021