August 26, 2021 Media Brief

Orange County

Voice of OC: OC sees increased COVID vaccination rates, but danger still lingers

“So technically it looks like we’re at a peak, but we don’t want to make a mistake and get all excited,” said OC Deputy Health Officer Dr. Regina Chinsio-Kwong at a Wednesday news conference convened by county Supervisor Katrina Foley.


Daily Pilot: Studies identify social and racial disparities in Orange County during first COVID-19 surges

Orange County residents from ZIP codes with higher-density households, lower education and less insurance coverage were more likely to be infected by and die from the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.


CNN.Com: Covid-19 vaccine much safer than catching the virus, study finds

It’s the first large study to compare the risks of vaccination versus infection head to head in the same population during the same time, and it shows the risks of infection far outweigh any risks from the vaccine, the researchers said.


OC Register: Orange County starts to welcome Afghan refugees; more expected

Local leaders and advocacy groups gear up for a wave of likely arrivals, drawing parallels to the Vietnamese diaspora that arrived 46 years ago.


OC Register: Ortega Highway to close 55 hours in Riverside, Orange counties

Once again, parts of Ortega Highway are set to close for construction all weekend starting Friday night, Aug. 27, and drivers won’t be able to cross over from Riverside County to Orange County — or vice versa — for 55 hours.



Daily Pilot: Disney’s hotels are back in business, a union fights for workers left behind

Furloughed and laid-off workers at the Disneyland, Paradise Pier and Grand Californian hotels have tried to navigate through hope, fear and confusion amid phased reopenings.


OC Register: COVID job woes: California unemployment claims jump again while U.S. numbers decline

California workers filed more initial claims for unemployment last week than they did the week before, raising questions about whether the state’s job market is recuperating from COVID-linked ailments.



Associated Press: Biden vows to finish Kabul evacuation, avenge US deaths

Speaking with emotion from the White House, Biden said the Islamic State group’s Afghanistan affiliate was to blame for the attacks that killed 12 American service members and many more Afghan civilians. He said there was no evidence they colluded with the Taliban, who now control the country.


Publication Date: August 26, 2021