August 30, 2021 Media Brief

Orange County

Voice of OC: COVID-19 is filling OC’s public cemeteries

Orange County’s public cemeteries are filling up, partly because of an uptick of people buying graves for future burials pushed by the pandemic, according to public cemetery officials.


Daily Pilot: O.C. health director warns ‘We will see more younger people die from COVID’ without vaccines

While county officials are hopeful about a recent downward trend of new coronavirus infection rates, a steady climb in COVID-19 hospitalizations — particularly among younger residents — has public health leaders banging the drum for more to get vaccinated.


Voice of OC: Tustin to hold district election workshop after receiving legal warning for at-large elections

The council’s move follows at least a half a dozen Orange County cities that changed their election process in recent years after facing threats of litigation from voting rights groups that argue at-large elections dilute minority voices.


Voice of OC: Santa Ana police union boss says he’s on Admin. Leave amid his pension controversy

Santa Ana’s police union president Gerry Serrano says he’s on administrative leave, following his campaign to boost his pension, which had city officials concerned he would “burn the place down” in the process, according to internal memos.


OC Register: Costa Mesa leaders consider program to make rents at a complex near South Coast Plaza more affordable

Costa Mesa officials are considering an agreement with the California Statewide Communities Development Authority and developer Legacy Partners to convert a 250-unit apartment complex near South Coast Plaza into workforce housing.



Globe and Mail: I’m one of the service workers who left the restaurant industry during the pandemic. Serve yourself

What has been said about us – that government aid has kept us from re-entering the work force that we simply don’t want to work – is ridiculous. It’s also indicative of the way much of society thinks about working-class bodies: as expendable, interchangeable, replaceable.



KTLA: Lake Tahoe communities under immediate, mandatory evacuation order as Caldor Fire grows

South Lake Tahoe’s main medical facility, Barton Memorial Hospital, proactively evacuated 36 patients needing skilled nursing and 16 in acute care beds Sunday, sending them to regional facilities far from the fire.



OC Register: Camp Pendleton’s 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines hit with devastating loss in Kabul airport bombing

Nine Marines were part of the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, and the sole Navy sailor killed was a corpsman who had been attached to the unit. All had deployed to the Middle East together in April as part of a special crisis response force.


Publication Date: August 30, 2021