2020 comes to a close—Happy Holidays OCEA members!

Dear OCEA member,

As we prepare to spend the Holidays with our immediate families under stay-at-home orders, I want to share some thoughts with you about this tumultuous year.

We are in the midst of a public health crisis, a financial crisis, civil unrest and the aftermath of one of the most divisive elections in our country’s history. But I can tell you one thing for certain - through it all, your union, OCEA, has emerged stronger than ever because we stood together.

We have stayed true to the principles we fight for – Safety, Security and Stability for you and your families. As the pandemic took hold, we knew OCEA members and Stewards were going to be on the frontline managing the crisis and continuing essential work for the community.

Even as the surge in COVID-19 and its consequences continue to impact our workplaces, you continue to perform your duties in a manner reflecting the finest traditions of public service.

From the beginning, we have monitored the safety situation closely and prompted action wherever needed. With your help and the help of OCEA workplace leaders, we have distributed tens of thousands of masks, hand sanitizer and other PPE. We have fought for consistent social distancing measures and fair work-from-home-policies.

Many of you know that the pandemic and the resulting fiscal crises panicked some of our elected leaders. The County immediately sought concessions from you and your coworkers. Instead of bending to harsh employer demands, OCEA championed patience, caution, and VOLUNTARY cost reduction programs such as early retirement and separation incentives. Those efforts continue. We stand in solidarity with our Court members who are enduring a Court-wide furlough of 64 hours per employee from November 2020  through June 2021.

It’s too soon to know how history will record the year of the pandemic. But I do know the pride and inspiration I feel as a witness to the unwavering commitment of OCEA members to the communities you serve.

Of the many blessings I am personally grateful for, standing together with all of you in our union ranks is among the highest.

Wishing you and your family a safe and happy Holiday Season.

In Solidarity,

Charles Barfield
OCEA General Manager

Publication Date: February 26, 2020