Agenda items needed for upcoming CFS Caseload Management Forum

Dear CFS Social Worker,

The CFS Caseload Management Forum (CFS CMF) is held the third Wednesday of every month at 9:00 am. The next CFS CMF is scheduled for Wednesday, July 25th via video/audio conferencing. The conference call details are provided by management in advance of each meeting.

CMF Agenda Items Needed
If you would like to submit any items for this month’s CMF agenda, please send them before Thursday, July 15 to me at or OCEA labor representatives, Saliem Aregaye at, Danielle Chau at , or Charles Leon at Please let us know if the agenda item pertains to a specific CFS program or to a broader topic.

It is important that we maintain the CMF as a safe space to address workplace issues with management. Your OCEA Bargaining Teams fought hard to get the CMF and other mechanisms for pursuing workplace fairness into our negotiated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the County.

As stipulated, the CMF will discuss and develop specific recommendations including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Improved management information systems;
  2. Relationships between workload and performance expectations;
  3. Manageable caseload levels within budgetary limitations; and,
  4. Methods for achieving equitable distribution of cases.

CFS Stewards Needed
As with any challenge the union faces – a pandemic, a divided electorate, or anti-worker candidates – one of the solutions at OCEA is building power through Stewards serving as workplace leaders. Please consider becoming an OCEA Steward. Contact OCEA Sr. Organizer Alisha Greene at should you have any questions or concerns. To learn more, go to OCEA’s “Get Involved” page by clicking here. You can also click here for a Steward Information sheet. Also, if you know of any social workers who are the go-to-person or leader in their program, feel free to let us know by nominating them as a potential steward. You can click here for a Steward Nomination and Petition Form.

We want to make sure your workplace issues are being addressed by the CFS CMF, and the best way to do that is having representation and leadership from every program.

Standing together, we can make sure workplace issues are being addressed.

In Solidarity,

Kate Wolf
Labor Relations Representative

Publication Date: July 9, 2021