AMEA Endorsed Candidates for 2024 General Election

Dear AMEA member,

THE NOVEMBER ELECTION IS COMING SOON—ELECTION DAY IS TUESDAY, NOV. 5! Your ballot should arrive this week. You can vote by mail, drop your ballot off at a local drop-box, or vote in person at a voting center in your community.

Remember, the politicians we elect make decisions that directly impact our contracts, our budgets, and our working conditions. We respect and understand that every AMEA member brings their personal values into the voting booth. As your union, it is our job to let you know which candidates, initiatives, and causes directly impact our ability to negotiate fair contracts for our members like you.

AMEA is proud to endorse the following candidates for the Nov. 5, 2024, General Election:

Anaheim City Council District 1 | Ryan Balius
Ryan currently serves as Chair of the Anaheim Parks and Recreation Commission. His top issues include enhancing public safety; retaining existing businesses and attracting new businesses to Beach Boulevard, West Anaheim and city wide; reducing homelessness; and improving street and traffic safety in District 1 and city wide. He is an active member in the West Anaheim community, which was part of the reason he was appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission in 2016.

Anaheim City Council District 4 | Norma Campos-Kurtz
Norma is a longtime community leader and resident who was appointed to the Council in 2023. Electing Norma will allow her to continue the good work she has done on the council to help make neighborhoods safer, improve programs for seniors, help Anaheim businesses create jobs, and address homelessness with a focus on mental health and housing. Norma's previous experience includes 2 years on the Anaheim Public Utilites Board and 8 years on Anaheim's Housing and Community Development Commission.

Your vote is the most powerful tool you have to make your voice heard and shape the future for all workers! Thank you for staying active and involved.

In Solidarity,

Jonnae Barreras
AMEA President

Publication Date: October 10, 2024