Bargaining Update: Jan. 22, 2018


Dear OCEA member,

Your OCEA bargaining team met for the second time Friday to prepare for our upcoming 2018 contract negotiations. The team is comprised of workplace leaders from bargaining units and agencies across the County, and they stand committed to fight for a fair contract. Through this month and next, the bargaining team will be evaluating proposals and working strategically to put us in the best position for meaningful wage increases with no takeaways.

We need your help in the workplace to support the work of the bargaining team at the table when negotiations commence with the County, likely in March, barring any unforeseen circumstances. Today, there are a couple things you can do to help.

  1. Get educated about how bargaining works: OCEA is hosting several informational seminars throughout the county in coming weeks to discuss how the negotiations process works, including who sits at the table, how factors away from the table impact bargaining, and how all OCEA members can make their voices heard throughout negotiations. Be on the lookout for a seminar near you as we secure dates and locations across the County.
  2. Sign up for text alerts about bargaining by texting the word “Bargaining” to 43506. And make sure your coworkers are signed up for emails so they can also stay up to date. (You can sign up by clicking HERE, or going to
  3. Get more involved: We are assembling a Contract Action Team of volunteer leaders who will get regular in-depth updates about what is happening at the table, as well as actions that all OCEA members can take to ensure our success. If you would like to join this team, please sign up at

Every member of the bargaining team has made an incredible commitment to each and every OCEA member, giving their time and their expertise to fight for what matters most to each of you and your families. Together, we are committed to fighting for a contract that protects benefits you rely on, provides meaningful wage increases, and continues moving forward from the days of takeaways and no money.

The work the team is doing today and the work all of you do to learn more about the process and volunteer for leadership roles will put us in the best position once negotiations commence. We will continue to keep you all informed about progress and how you can help.

Standing together, I know we will be successful.

In solidarity,

Jennifer Beuthin
OCEA General Manager


2018 OCEA Bargaining Team:

Front row left to right: Pam Waters (OCCR), Butch Garcia (SSA), Liza Cooper Butler (Public Defender), OCEA President Lezlee Neebe, Erika Bennet (OCCR), Deá Evans (Probation), Wendy Tsui, Rachel Vo (SSA), Maria Corona (HCA), Lubna Debbini (Public Defender), Anjali Essoe (Sheriff’s Dept.), Angelo Lugo (HCA), Kim Long (HCA), Ryan Ramos (HCA).

Second row left to right: Charles Barfield, General Manger Jennifer Beuthin, Saliem Aregaye, Ian Foster, Pedro Arramide (Sheriff’s Dept.), Laura Lampers (OCCR), Denise Velasco, Veronica Rodarte, Tim Steed, Teresa Garcia (HCA), Kate Wolf, Bridgette Washington, Annette Ortega (Sheriff’s Dept.), Patty Hernandez (Probation), Alicia Dominguez (HCA), Tuan Nguyen (Assessor), Aaron Peardon.

Third row left to right: Andrew Rodriguez (Sheriff’s Dept.), David Rapponotti (Sheriff’s Dept.), Dan Edwards (Sheriff’s Dept.), Mary Hunter (District Attorney), John Sincock (CEO’s Office), ­­Irvin McKlenshaw (HCA), Sergio Moya (Public Defender), Jose Gomez (SSA), Brian Kurka (Sheriff’s Dept.), Kyle Werner (OCCR), Heather Sutherland, Russell Baldwin (Sheriff’s Dept.), Robert Fulton (Treasurer Tax Collector), Cathy Yatch, Bo Gutierrez, and Julio Robles (Sheriff’s Dept.).

Not pictured: Alan Dean Clow (Public Defender), Judy Bowling (Public Defender) and Henry Leber (Sheriff’s Dept.).

Publication Date: January 22, 2018