Check your paycheck this Friday

Dear OCEA member,

It's hard to find good news for public servants in the midst of a historic pandemic but we have some to share. County workers receiving their regularly scheduled paycheck this Friday should notice a bump in their pay.

Many of you inquired about the status of the wage increases negotiated by your OCEA Bargaining Team and adopted by the County last fall. Let me reiterate the message we have sent out in previous communications: The MOU provisions we fought for remain in force.  Your paycheck due on July 24, 2020, should reflect a 2.5% general wage increase for all workers and a further 1.2% decrease in the employee contribution for those workers paying into the County's Reverse Pick-up retirement formula. That’s an increase to your gross income of 3.7%.

Maintaining the raises you and your families fought for and deserve didn't just happen. It was the result of you and your coworkers standing together.

I want to take this moment to thank the members of the OCEA Board of Directors and the OCEA Bargaining team, who sacrificed countless hours to hammer out the MOU. Also, a huge thank you to those of you who signed up to support our efforts at the bargaining table by your willingness to organize in the workplace.

And thanks to each and every OCEA member for providing exceptional service to the community. The Coronavirus pandemic has presented a once-in-a-career challenge to County workers and you have responded in a way that fills the community with pride. You are incredible and inspirational, and our community is better and safer because of each of your efforts.

In Solidarity, 

Charles Barfield
OCEA General Manager

Publication Date: July 23, 2020