County MOU Implementation Update

Earlier this week, members of your 2023 OCEA Negotiations Team signed the new MOUs representing all six OCEA bargaining units. As you may have noticed, the 4.75% negotiated wage increase was reflected on your July 21, 2023. We have received calls from many members asking about other provisions of the MOU, so we want to provide an update on the implementation of some of those provisions.
Merit Increases
A “meets” evaluation is now an automatic two-step merit increase. There have been several questions about whether this applies to performance evaluations that were due prior to the new MOU implementation. OCEA’s position is that this applies to all performance evaluations issued on or after June 30, 2023, regardless of the original due date. The County’s position is that this applies to all performance evaluations due on or after June 30, 2023. OCEA has filed a grievance challenging the County’s interpretation of the language. If you have encountered a problem related to this issue, please contact us.
Jail Salary Supplement Pay
The County is currently doing an audit regarding jail salary supplement pay eligibility. Once this is complete, the increases will be implemented. Under the new MOUs, the County has up to 90 days from the effective date to complete its audit.
Clinical or Mental Health Supervision Pay
Questions have come up regarding application of clinical supervision pay. Discussions are still ongoing, and more information will be sent to impacted individuals.
Boot Allowance
The boot allowance increased from $150 to $300 annually. If your classification is not currently entitled to the boot allowance but you feel it should be, please give us a call. We are currently working with the Sheriff’s Department regarding the SSO, CSA and Cook classifications.
Supervisory Salary Differential
The MOU provides this will be implemented as soon as practicable. The County is actively collecting all necessary data for implementation and is expected to be finished mid-August. We are hopeful for implementation by September but will continue to update you as we know more.
Observe Native American Day in Lieu of Columbus Day
The County has not yet updated its calendars, but this is in effect for this year. Native American Day will be observed Sept. 22, 2023. Columbus Day (Oct. 9, 2023) will no longer be observed.
New CFS Social Worker Labor Management Committee
We are currently recruiting SWII, SSS, SSW, and SSSS members from CFS to serve on this new LMC (which has replaced the outdated Caseload Management Forum). The LMC will begin meeting once these member participants are determined. OCEA will send an update soon to these members. Please contact us for more information.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 714-835-3355 during regular business hours.
Finally, if you would like to become more involved in your union, please visit for more info.
In Solidarity,
Publication Date: August 4, 2023