Enough is Enough in Laguna Niguel!

Dear OCEA member,

We want to provide updates on two important issues in the City of Laguna Niguel. The first is the 2024-25 budget and the second is a current outsourcing threat. Please note: There is an important invitation to join us at Tuesday evening’s City Council meeting at the end of this message!

2024-25 Budget / Salary Study

As you may know, the City has included a salary study as part of its 2024-25 budget process. OCEA usually welcomes salary studies, as they provide amechanism to help ensure wages stay competitive with those in comparable jurisdictions.

However, the City’s salary study was anything but fair. Of the 21 positions studied, 15 were executives and managers – every single executive and manager except the City Manager. And increases were recommended for each one of those 15 positions. The remaining 6 positions are represented by OCEA, but that is an unreasonably small number of all OCEA-represented classifications.

We attempted to remedy this imbalance through discussions with Executive Management, but we were met with indifference and their expectation that we would be happy with increases to any position! We’re committed to improve wages based on fair and equitable processes—this salary study was neither fair nor equitable!

Multiple OCEA-represented classifications are out of market and would benefit from evaluation in a market study. Offering fair and competitive wages to you, the dedicated front line public servants of Laguna Niguel, is the only way to preserve the standard of service our residents have come to expect and continue to bring the best and brightest talent to our City.

Outsourcing Threat—Today, Aquatics. Tomorrow, You?

The second issue is an outgrowth of the first. Outsourcing Aquatics is a threat to all Laguna Niguel workers. Originally, the expectation was that outsourcing could serve as a temporary mitigation to only lifeguard staffing. However, the City is now looking into outsourcing the key public function of staffing and managing the Aquatic Center completely. OCEA’s attorneys are evaluating the City’s action, and your OCEA Leadership Committee has formally notified the City of our opposition to outsourcing. Privatizing one of the most well-regarded community assets to a for-profit entity is bad for you, bad for the City, and bad for the City’s residents.

OCEA is also currently fighting outsourcing at Huntington Beach’s libraries. We must stand in solidarity to preserve municipal jobs and services across the county, including here in Laguna Niguel.

WHAT CAN YOU DO? Join us Tuesday at the City Council Meeting!

Come to Public Comments during the City Council meeting Tuesday, June 4, to support your union leaders as they convey your concerns and opinions to the City’s elected leaders. We will meet outside City Hall at 6:30 p.m. in advance of the 7 p.m. meeting.

In Solidarity,

OCEA Leadership Committee

Publication Date: June 3, 2024