Exclusive OCEA Briefing - MEMBERS ONLY!

Dear OCEA member,

Please join OCEA for an exclusive OCEA "members only" event! We are pleased to bring together two members of Congress who are uniquely qualified to talk about the issues facing Orange County. Contact info@ocea.org for Zoom details.

Please join Rep. Lou Correa and Rep. Mike Levin for a special Legislative Briefing from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Monday, April 26, 2021.

The recently passed American Rescue Plan provides direct relief to local governments in California. Unions all over the United States organized to make sure that middle-class families and public servants were included in this important piece of legislation. Because of the work done by leaders like representatives Levin and Correa, we succeeded in bringing much-needed relief to our communities. This briefing brings together these two key decision-makers for an exclusive update and to answer questions from you and fellow OCEA members.

Rep. Correa is an Orange County resident with deep local roots in the 46th District. He still lives only three miles from the Anaheim neighborhood where he grew up. He is the son of working-class parents whose hard work gave him a chance at success. Correa has spent his career fighting to protect the American Dream and ensure anyone can reach the middle-class just as he did. He is a former member of the California State Legislature and the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Correa currently serves on the House Judiciary, Homeland Security, and Agriculture committees.  

Rep. Levin represents California’s 49th district in the southern part of OC. After graduating from Stanford University and Duke University School of Law, Levin worked as an attorney focused on energy and environmental issues. In addition to his legal work, Levin served on the board of the Center for Sustainable Energy, and co-founded Sustain OC, helping accelerate the transition toward more sustainable power generation and transportation alternatives. Levin currently serves on the House Veterans’ Affairs and Natural Resources committees.

Representatives Levin and Correa are both OCEA allies and problem solvers willing to work "across the aisle" with their colleagues to get things done. But they can't do that without input from subject matter experts and frontline workers like you, so please consider taking part in this exclusive forum.

In Solidarity,

Charles Barfield
OCEA General Manager

Publication Date: April 16, 2021