Governor signs budget; OCEA advocates to lift hiring and AL freezes

Dear OCEA member,

Yesterday Governor Jerry Brown signed California’s new budget, which provides relief for counties that were bracing for potential cuts.

Earlier this year the Governor’s preliminary budget had proposed shifting the costs for In-Home Supportive Services Program to counties, which could have dealt a devastating blow to the County budget. That proposal led the County to implement a hiring freeze and also to freeze annual leave cash outs earlier this year.

During the previous several months, OCEA, the County and unions across the state advocated for the Governor to change course on his IHSS spending plan. The budget adopted yesterday represents a shift in the governor’s IHHS proposal that protects the County budget from the immediate reductions that were proposed. (You can read more about that in a recent OCEA editorial in the OC Register)

As a result of this action, this morning we requested the County lift its hiring freeze and reinstate annual leave cash outs Countywide.

Standing together, we helped protect the vital services you provide to residents each day. We will continue to keep you updated as this situation develops. In the meantime, thank you for all you do!

In solidarity,

Jennifer Beuthin
OCEA General Manager

Publication Date: June 28, 2017