Hiring/AL cash out freezes lifted!

Dear OCEA member,

We have some positive news to report: The hiring freeze and ban on countywide annual leave cash outs will be lifted over the weekend, following a request from OCEA!

As you know, after the adoption of a California state budget that provides some relief from anticipated cuts, OCEA requested the County unfreeze open positions and lift its ban on annual leave cash outs. Late yesterday, we were notified that the hiring freeze will be lifted over this weekend, on July 1. County department heads were also notified yesterday.

We also have been notified that the countywide freeze on annual leave cash outs also has been lifted. Individual departments will now accept requests for annual leave cash outs and must adhere to the terms of our Memorandum of Understanding in responding to those requests. The MOU indicates that such payouts “shall be made upon request unless the agency/department determines it is not economically feasible.” The County has indicated that some agencies may still be grappling with economic challenges that could impact annual leave cash outs in individual departments. If you encounter an issue with your request, please contact our office at 714-835-3355 or connect with an OCEA steward for assistance.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend.

In solidarity,

Jennifer Beuthin
OCEA General Manager

Publication Date: July 5, 2017