Join the OCEA bargaining team

Dear OCEA member,

OCEA is already fully engaged in preparations for bargaining next year and we’ve got a great opportunity for you to join us and make a difference. Apply for a position on the OCEA Bargaining Team! You could be one of the workplace leaders who represent your co-workers at the bargaining table to fight for economic security and fairness in the workplace.

Click here to download a 2018 OCEA Bargaining Team application. You can also complete the form onlineThe submission deadline is Friday, Nov. 17, 2017. Completed applications can be hand-delivered to OCEA; faxed to (714) 835-7654; or mailed to OCEA, 830 N. Ross St., Santa Ana, CA 92701. 

And if joining the bargaining team is not something you feel you are ready to do, don’t worry. There will be other ways for you to help.

Together OCEA members have always made a difference, and this is one great opportunity for you to help. Complete and submit your Bargaining Team application TODAY!

In solidarity,

Jennifer Beuthin
OCEA General Manager

Publication Date: October 26, 2017