OC San Update: Comparison Agencies Reopener

Dear OCEA member,

During our last negotiations OCEA, IOUE 501, and SPMT-AFSCME agreed to a reopener to meet and confer regarding the comparison agencies used for classification and compensation studies.

Starting in February, your OCEA team and our partner unions prepared for the reopener by researching the current comparison agencies and their market positions. Meanwhile, the District’s negotiators went back to OC San’s Board of Directors for additional clarity and direction. Subsequently, we were informed that the Board’s priorities had changed, and they proposed to keep the current list of 17 comparison agencies as have been used for most of the last decade.

As a result of our research, we had already determined that one of our top priorities would be to ensure that the comparison agencies from Northern California were kept on the list. These agencies have typically helped to strengthen our argument for higher market adjustments. Therefore, OCEA and the other unions agreed with the District to maintain the current comparison agencies.

Now that our comparators are finalized, your OCEA Labor Relations Representatives know what data to use as preparations begin for our return to the negotiations table in early 2025 (the current contract expires June 30, 2025).

If you would like to learn more about getting involved by applying for the OC San Negotiations Team, please contact OCEA Senior Organizer Alisha Greene at agreene@ocea.org.

Thank you to all OCEA OC Sanitation District members who were involved in the reopener process. If you have an issue you would like to submit for discussion between your union and District management, we have ongoing Labor-Management Committee meetings as needed. Please contact OCEA Labor Relations Representative Linda Meyer at lmeyer@ocea.org if you would like an issue considered.

We appreciate your continued service to the residents of Orange County and look forward to returning to the table for you to fight for the wages and benefits you and your co-workers deserve.

In Solidarity,


Publication Date: June 6, 2024