OCEA demands meet and confer with Court re: Revisions to Cal/OSHA standards

Dear OCEA Member,

Late yesterday, Chief Executive Officer David Yamasaki sent court employees an email regarding proposed revisions to Cal/OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards. The email contained a description of changes the Court intends to implement regarding face coverings, physical distancing, and future requirements applicable to members of the public.

OCEA has notified the Court that pursuant to California law it wishes to promptly meet and confer regarding the Court’s proposed actions. Click here to read OCEA’s demand letter.

We will keep you updated as we are able to obtain additional information from the Court.

The last 15-months have been difficult for public workers who, like you, continued dedicated and professional service to the community in the face of a deadly pandemic. Standing together, we can make sure your workplace rights are protected in a challenging and changing work environment.

In Solidarity,

Charles Barfield
OCEA General Manager

Publication Date: June 17, 2021