OCEA Governmental Affairs Update, March 3, 2021

Dear OCEA Member,

Our American democracy is built on the principle of citizens caring about other citizens. Its moral mission is to protect and empower everyone equally by ​providing necessary public services. This public ​support is the foundation ​of a civilized society ​and allows our system to function for the benefit of all ​through difficult times.

There are those who wish to dismantle the public sector and the work we do. These attacks seek to destroy the sanctity and safety of our nation as we know it, love it, and need it to be. It is for these reasons that your union ​engages in actions that protect our rights as workers. Here are a few of the highlights this past month where OCEA members and staff ​fought for OCEA members and their families.

Katrina Foley for OC Board of Supervisors District 2
There are several people running for the District 2 seat but the two main contenders are former District 2 Supervisor John Moorlach (2007-2015) and Costa Mesa Mayor Katrina Foley. As supervisor, Moorlach consistently attacked workers' jobs, pensions, even your right to bargain in good faith with your employer. Katrina Foley just as consistently defends the rights of public workers in Costa Mesa and Orange County. For years, she has stood with OCEA members and fought alongside us to ​overcome unnecessary layoffs and anti-worker initiatives.

OCEA members have been making phone calls, writing post-cards, and having one-on-one conversations with their co-workers. The message is clear, VOTE FOR KATRINA FOLEY ON MARCH 9. If you have any questions about this election, contact tsteed@ocea.org.

Here is a quote from OCEA General Manager Charles Barfield about the election from the Voice of OC:

“This is a critical time in our County’s history. This requires a vision for the future, not a retread from the past,” said Charles Barfield, general manager of the Orange County Employees Association. “From his votes against vaccines, his hypocritical positions on pensions or his failure to lead during COVID John Moorlach is not the man for this moment,” he added. “Mayor Foley on the other hand, is not only looking towards the future, she has the track record to prove it.”

Court Funding Townhall
On Feb. 10, OCEA hosted a town hall with Senator Josh Newman and Senator Tom Umberg. Senator Newman is a member of Senate Budget Sub-Committee #5, which manages Judicial Branch funding. Senator Tom Umberg is Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. These two public officials have a unique role in setting Judicial Branch policy. OCEA members and staff were able to hear from these two Labor Champions about their plans in 2021. OCEA members were also able to participate in a dialogue with our elected leaders about how budget cuts have impacted frontline workers and slowed access to justice for the residents of our County. Thank you to Senators Newman and Umberg for your leadership on this issue. See more about the event here!

OCEA Legislative Committee and Legislative Positions
OCEA’s Legislative Committee meets monthly in consultation with advocates from the firm Aaron Read & Associates. The committee members are comprised of OCEA Board members ​who provide frontline worker input on legislation that impacts you, your co-workers and your families. The committee met on Feb. 23, 2021. Click here for OCEA’s Legislative Positions!

Federal Stimulus for OC Public Servants!
OCEA and the entire national labor movement stand in solidarity with our Congressional allies pushing for assistance to middle-class families. We know the importance of providing local governments with much-needed assistance. Frontline workers in every City stepped up and provided services to our residents throughout the pandemic. It is time for Congress to stand with them by providing the support they need as we round the corner in 2021. Make no mistake, the stimulus package being considered in Washington D.C. will have a HUGE impact on your job and public service in California. This package will mean hundreds of millions of dollars to local government in Orange County.

OCEA General Manager Charles Barfield and I met with Congressman Mike Levin (CA-49) for a briefing on the package, and how local governments will benefit. Thank you Congressman for your efforts in Washington D.C. on behalf of Orange County public servants.

Reminder: For those OCEA  members who live in District 2, Orange County Board of Supervisors, click here for information on Vote Center and Ballot Drop Box locations. When we stand together, we have a much stronger voice.

In Solidarity,

Tim Steed
Assistant General Manager

Publication Date: March 3, 2021