OCEA Governmental Affairs Update, April 20, 2021

Dear OCEA Member,

There is a famous quote from the Greek statesman, Pericles, “Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics won’t take an interest in you.” There is no doubt that politics can be a difficult subject to discuss. However, as public servants, we know that what happens politically often dramatically impacts our work lives.

This direct correlation is why your union actively engages in political affairs. Below are some examples of your union’s political activity this past month to support OCEA members and your families.

Katrina Foley Elected to OC Board of Supervisors
Costa Mesa Mayor and OCEA-endorsed candidate Katrina Foley won the special election for Orange County’s Second Supervisorial District!

Foley defeated a field of four candidates in a hotly contested race to fill the seat vacated by Michelle Steel’s election to Congress last November.

It's a sweet victory for OCEA members and for all working families in Orange County. Former Supervisor John Moorlach ran a distant second. The defeat of an anti-worker candidate like Moorlach shows once again the importance of standing together in our union to defend our workplace rights not just at the bargaining table, but also at the ballot box.

OCEA joined a coalition of Labor and community groups by providing additional funding and a strong ground game that included OCEA Board members, Stewards, and staff campaigning, phone banking, and canvassing. We did it!

But this election wasn’t just about defeating John Moorlach. Katrina Foley is highly qualified and has stood with working families for more than a decade as a City Council member and Mayor of Costa Mesa. Her victory was a win for good government.

Here's what Katrina said after Moorlach conceded: "There is much work to be done as it relates to speeding up the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine, helping local businesses recover, making County government more transparent, and protecting the things that make Orange County such a special place to live. I can’t wait to get to work.”

Katrina Foley’s victory is a profound example of how politics matters. This election outcome will have a tangible and real impact on every OCEA member!

Federal Stimulus Passes!
OCEA and the entire national labor movement stood in solidarity with our Congressional allies pushing for assistance to middle-class families. We know the importance of providing local governments with much-needed assistance. Frontline workers in every City, County, and District stepped up and provided services to our residents throughout the pandemic. We are thankful and elated that Congress passed the American Rescue Plan and that President Biden signed it into law. This legislation will provide funding directly to local governments so public servants can continue their mission. You can learn more about the American Rescue Plan by joining your fellow OCEA members for a very special Townhall on April 26 (see below).

Congressional Townhall
On April 26, OCEA will host a special Townhall event for OCEA members featuring two of OC’s Labor Champions in Congress. Congressmembers Lou Correa and Mike Levin will join OCEA members for a virtual update on the America Rescue Plan and the status of their efforts on behalf of working people in Washington D.C. Please see the flyer below for more information. You can click HERE for a Zoom meeting link.

OCEA Legislative Committee and Legislative Positions
OCEA’s Legislative Committee meets monthly in consultation with advocates from the firm Aaron Read & Associates. The committee members are comprised of OCEA Board members ​who provide frontline worker input on legislation that impacts you, your co-workers, and your families. The committee convened meetings in March and early April to consider legislation for the 2021 session. Click HERE for OCEA’s Legislative Positions! OCEA members can also have a more direct impact on legislation. Steward Espie Martinez provided expert testimony to the Senate Elections Committee on SB 35 authored by OCEA ally Sen. Tom Umberg. SB 35 provides clarity to new voter access rules statewide. 

If you would like to learn more about how you can help support OCEA’s political position, please email tsteed@ocea.org for more information.

In Solidarity,

Tim Steed
Assistant General Manager

Publication Date: April 20, 2021