OCEA Leadership Conference—May 6—RSVP today!

2017 OCEA Leadership Conference

Each year your OCEA Stewards and workplace leaders come together on a Saturday for an all-day training and workshop. This year we are opening participation to a limited number of OCEA members. Join us for what we believe will be an amazing opportunity to learn more about being an active OCEA member standing shoulder-to-shoulder with your co-workers to build a better workplace.
This year’s theme is “The Union Difference,” and what that means to you, your coworkers and working families in our community. When the training is over, you will be able to articulate and advocate to your colleagues about the difference between having a seat at the table to negotiate fair union wages versus getting paid whatever your employer feels like paying. We will discuss the difference between standing together for respect or suffering in a hostile workplace alone; the difference between having a union where workers can bargain as equals or a workplace where management calls all the shots.

The Union Difference can be large or it can be small, and our success is because of the many workplace leaders who become educated and active to make OCEA strong. You can view the event flyer below or click here.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a leader in your workplace, the training offered on May 6, 2017 is a great opportunity to learn more. Please RSVP today by emailing joanna@oceamember.org.

Publication Date: April 5, 2017