OCEA members! Cast your District 2 Ballot

OCEA on the campaign trail. From left: Social Worker Fernanda Morton and her family turned in their three ballots; Steward Charles Gustin is working the phones and former OCEA member Lourdes Cruz and OCEA Board member Patty Hernandez are safe canvassing.

Dear OCEA member and District 2 voter,

If you haven’t cast your ballot yet in the March 9 special election for Board of Supervisor District 2, please do so as soon as you can.

The results of this race will impact the rights and job security of each County worker regardless of who wins. You and your neighbors have a unique opportunity to positively influence County policy by electing Katrina Foley, the current Mayor of Costa Mesa.

There is a clear choice between the past anti-worker governance of former Supervisor John Moorlach and the record of achievement and friendship with working families represented by Mayor Foley. The likely winner will be one of these two candidates.

The contrast is highlighted best by this quote in a recent Voice of OC article about the race. “This is a critical time in our County’s history. This requires a vision for the future, not a retread from the past,” said Charles Barfield, OCEA General Manager. Click here to read the article.

Your fellow OCEA members endorsed Mayor Foley because she is an accomplished local government representative having served as a school board trustee, city council member, and now Mayor. Her experience as a small business owner, common sense, and steady leadership are needed now more than ever on the Board of Supervisors.

OCEA members, Stewards and staff have been campaigning for weeks. This weekend marks the final push for phone banking, campaign literature distribution, and safe door-knocking for conversations with voters. Click here for information about how you can help. You can click here for Vote Center and Ballot Drop Box locations.

This special election is an opportunity for the entire County to stand together for change in District 2. We can do this.

In Solidarity,

Lezlee Neebe
OCEA President

Publication Date: March 5, 2021