OCEA membership briefing covers COVID update, Special Election


Dear OCEA member,

The OCEA membership briefing on Feb. 2, 2021, was held virtually and recorded. Click here to watch a video of the meeting and receive important updates on COVID safety in the workplace and the pivotal special election coming up March 9, 2021.

Vote-by-mail ballots are arriving in mailboxes this week in the Board of Supervisors District 2 race. Learn why OCEA has endorsed Costa Mesa Mayor Katrina Foley and why it is imperative for you and your coworkers that anti-worker candidates not win that seat. 

We truly miss conducting our membership meetings under the building along with Subway sandwiches and hot dogs. Vaccinations against the Coronavirus are America's best chance for a return to normalcy but in the meantime, our meetings will remain virtual.

Please take a look at the video and feel free to reach out to your OCEA Steward or your labor representative if you have any questions. Let us know by email if your worksite needs hand sanitizers or masks at info@ocea.org.

We'll get through this difficult time by standing together.

In Solidarity, 

Charles Barfield

OCEA General Manager

Publication Date: February 26, 2020