Orangewood Open Forum Update - Sept. 30, 2020

Dear OCEA member at Orangewood,

Last Wednesday’s Orangewood Open Forum agenda items included staff discussion in key areas related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts of the County VIP program on staff availability. Those two items relate directly to your health and safety on the job and that is OCEA’s first priority for all members. We will continue to monitor the safety efforts at Orangewood.

Issues related to the pandemic include the change in consolidated cottages first by IG and AG followed by IB and AB, for the purpose of maintaining a designated quarantine cottage. The facility needs to continue to make a cottage available for quarantine purposes, which means there is one less cottage for non-quarantined children to reside in. Staff expressed concern that the input they provided to supervisors on this topic was not shared and therefore left out of the planning process. Management stated that the supervisors clearly represented staff’s input, but that management chose a different approach.

Mask protocol - In brief, masks must be worn in any area where the public has access and when not able to provide 6’ of distance between the children or staff. Staff members providing care to a child who needs to be reassured by seeing the staff member's face can request to use a new face shield with drapes. The protocols for mask usage from state, CCL, local and departmental authorities will be maintained and upheld.

Cell phone protocol review
No cell phone usage is allowed while supervising children. There was some pushback here from a staff member who commented on how the ever-expanding capacities of cell phones (music and media offerings) make them a useful tool for helping children. Management responded that cell phone protocols will be enforced and if additional tools are needed to care for children to discuss with a supervisor.

Staffing issues
Management reported that the County’s VIP program offering retirement and separation incentives has led to the departure of approximately 10 staff members. SSA is working to fill the vacated positions and has authorization for 20 extra help positions and four of them have already started. Other staffing issues discussed Included the Courtesy Desk and the CSTs.

Courtesy Desk – Due to the reduced population at Orangewood, one (1) staff person will be assigned to the Desk and management is asking that only necessary calls, such as those related to managing visitations, and tracking youth coming in and out of the facility, be made to the desk. A list of reference numbers for other routine calls is being compiled.

CSTs - With Lyon School re-opening on 10/5 (tentative) and 20 Extra Help being hired, one more staff member may be added to the morning CST shift. CST members have created a duty list to help complete daily tasks but are not assigned to supply routine break coverage.

Retirement messages
SSA will begin sending out congratulatory messages for retiring OCFC workers who agree to share their news. Write-ups will include career highlights and accomplishments.

You can click here to read the Open Forum Agenda notes for highlights of additional items. If you have any questions about the Forum or the discussion items, please contact Kate Wolf at

Thank you to all our members who participate in this collaborative process and for stepping up for your coworkers at OCFC.

In Solidarity,

Bridgette Harris
OCEA Operations Manager

Publication Date: September 30, 2020