PCEA Bargaining Update - August 5, 2021

Dear PCEA member,

On Tuesday, Aug. 2, the City provided your PCEA Bargaining Team and OCEA representatives with a response to our proposal for a general wage increase, which you and your family deserve.

Unfortunately, the City Council insists more time is needed to stabilize the budget due to the financial impacts of the pandemic in FY 20-21. The City is only offering a one-year contract with a one-time payment to all City bargaining units.

We advised City representatives that we are willing to bring Council’s proposal to the membership for a vote if they include a parity clause related to salary increases. This means if any City bargaining unit receives a wage increase, PCEA represented workers would receive one, as well.

City representatives indicated they will take that demand to the Council for discussion at the next Council meeting. Labor discussions are generally held during closed session.

Your PCEA Bargaining Team and OCEA representatives are scheduled to meet with the City on September 9th. We will keep you updated as developments unfold.

In Solidarity,

Veronica Rodarte
Sr. Labor Relations Representative

Publication Date: August 5, 2021