REMINDER: Membership Ratification Meeting Tomorrow (7/18)
Your OCEA negotiations team will hold membership meetings tomorrow, July 18, from 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and 12:30–1:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room at the Yorba Linda Community Center. At these meetings, you will have an opportunity to ask questions regarding provisions of the tentative agreement. Following these meetings, members will have an opportunity to vote to ratify or reject the tentative agreement. Voting will be available both in person and online. Voting will conclude at Noon on July 23, 2024.
If you are unable to attend one of these meetings but have questions regarding the tentative agreement, please contact one of you OCEA negotiations team members, or your OCEA staff members—Lead Negotiator Kerensa Schupmann ( and Senior Organizer Alisha Greene (
In solidarity,
Your OCEA Negotiations Team
Publication Date: July 17, 2024