Warning: Anti-Union Organization Requests Personal Information

We are writing today to alert you to a potential attack that could impact your job security and personal information.

An organization deceptively called the Freedom Foundation has begun attacking public employees in Orange County by seeking personal information of some union members. They have contacted workers at their homes and by phone in an effort to weaken unions and our ability to stand together and advocate for job safety, layoff rights and the benefits our families rely on.

Yesterday, we learned this organization has made a public information request of the County for some of your personal information. This request includes your:

  • Full name;
  • Work location;
  • Your email address;
  • Your hire date and pay grade;
  • Your union and bargaining unit;
  • The year you were born.

The group's agenda? Just listen, in their own words:

They publicly oppose raises for public workers
The Freedom Foundation fights against fair pay for public employees. On their blog, one of their staff members Amber Gunn wrote, “It makes little sense to promote a pay raise for state employees who are satisfied enough with their job that 90 percent of them choose to remain employed by the state."

They want to end public employee pensions
Also from the Freedom Foundation blog: “Everything should be on the table … states should consider replacing their defined benefit plans with defined contribution 401(k) plans.”

They want to increase your health care premiums
“It’s about time state worker health insurance premiums were on the table. The … Freedom Foundation has long recommended that public workers pay a bigger share …” Freedom Foundation official blog. 

It is shameful that during these turbulent times, this group wants to jeopardize workplace safety and subject you and your families to additional fear and uncertainty. During this pandemic, workplace safety has been achieved through our strength in numbers and standing together in our union. OCEA has been able to compel the County to institute enhanced safety provisions and provide necessary safety equipment and other essential items for frontline workers. Attempts to weaken your union and your collective voice will only weaken safety at work. It is shameful.

OCEA's legal team will continue to review and monitor the request in concert with our allies in the California Labor Federation. We will take the necessary action to protect you and your families. We will not stand for any attack on our union.

If you are approached in anyway from a representative of the Freedom Foundation, please reach out to OCEA immediately. 

In Solidarity,

Charles Barfield
OCEA General Manager

Publication Date: June 4, 2020