Associated Supervisory/Administrative Personnel
OCEA members in the Associated Supervisory/Administrative Personnel (ASAP) are represented by union stewards and a professional staff of labor relations representatives. Standing together, every OCEA member in the Associated Supervisory/Administrative Personnel plays a role in achieving better wages, retirement security and fair rights on the job.
The information below is a resource for all OCEA members in the Associated Supervisory Administrative Personnel. Below, you will find a list of stewards and staff representatives for OCEA members assigned to the Associated Supervisory Administrative Personnel. You’ll also find the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which is the negotiated union contract that sets forth the wages, hours and working conditions guiding your employment. And you can also find updates and news from OCEA about what’s happening in your agency and across the County.
Stay informed: Union news that affects you!
2024 OCEA Health Fair: New Time, Shuttle Stops & Parking Info!
September 4, 2024
Remember, this year we have a *NEW EVENT TIME* from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12.
Happy Labor Day 2024 from OCEA
September 2, 2024
Today is not just a holiday—it's a day to honor our privilege and ability to take part in this great American labor movement.

Tia Grasso
General Counsel