In our community
OCEA represents members through community activism and standing with allies in support of our shared values. For example, many OCEA members have served or are serving in the military. Working in partnership with labor unions across California, OCEA advocates statewide for family supporting jobs and services veterans need. And we host an annual Veteran’s Day community event to provide resources for veterans in need.
Many OCEA members are responsible for supporting the growing number of homeless residents in our community at work as social workers and public health nurses. OCEA partners with community allies to demand meaningful solutions to issues of homelessness, adequate resources to address today’s homeless challenges and safety improvements that protect homeless residents, workers and our neighbors.
OCEA stands for fair treatment of all workers, regardless of their age, sex, race, creed or sexual orientation. Whenever those rights are challenged—whether at work or in the community—OCEA partners with community allies to stand for fairness.