Do you know a veteran overseas?

Dear OCEA member,

This holiday season, I am reminded how the work each of you do each day enables so many families throughout our communities to enjoy a safe and healthy time with family and friends. In fact, many among our ranks will be working throughout the holiday to make sure Orange County works, that its streets are safe and that its residents get the services they need.

Today I wrote an editorial in the Orange County Register to highlight the incredible work you all do and to remind residents that you are the unsung heroes who keep our communities working (see below).

Wishing you and your loved ones joy and love this holiday season, from your family at OCEA. Thank you for all you do.

In solidarity,

Jennifer Muir Beuthin
OCEA General Manager

Remember the unsung heroes this holiday season
By Jennifer Muir Beuthin, Contributing writer

Every year the Register recognizes influencers throughout our communities—leaders who have made a mark, whose stories provide a glimpse into the incredible and diverse fabric that makes Orange County so special. Congratulations to each of the honorees.

For each of the 100 most influential people who are singled out every year, we can all probably name people in our own circles who make a huge impact on our lives each day. And so these influencer stories also help us all tap into our own personal feelings of gratitude, feelings that are especially poignant as we shop and cook and prepare to spend time with loved ones during the holidays.

In that spirit of gratitude, I wanted to highlight the efforts of a group of incredibly influential people because the very nature of their work often means that when they’re successful, most of us hardly know they’re there.

The municipal workforce in our county impacts just about every aspect of our daily lives, and this holiday season is no different.

For those of us who have family visiting from out of town, your guests will be greeted at John Wayne Airport by Sheriff’s Special Officers whose job is to make sure the public is safe inside and outside the walls of the airport terminals. You can feel confident knowing that SSOs have intervened not only to protect the public from dangerous situations, but also to perform CPR and save lives when travelers have fallen ill.

Click here to read more

January 11, 2021

Today: Coronavirus: 50 new deaths, 3,121 new cases in Orange County; Rep. Lou Correa reflects on DC Capital attack and airport confrontation, and judge pushes back over jail releases, prepares to appoint an expert.

January 8, 2021

Today: Coronavirus trends worsen as hospital staff are pushed to the limit; OC Sheriff faces questions in court about virus outbreak in the jails, and OC’s first safe parking program runs out of money.

January 7, 2021

Today: Santa Ana to consider funding their own testing, future vaccine distribution; Huntington Beach’s new council to step up virus and homeless aid efforts, and County jail virus outbreak explodes to over 1000 inmates.

January 6, 2021

Today: Protesters clash in downtown L.A., Trump rallies unfold in OC; Orange County is on a coronavirus case rate record-breaking streak, and high stakes election for coastal cities go public next week.

January 5, 2021

Today: Former OC sheriff Sandra Hutchens dies of cancer; OC’s poorest residents hit hardest by virus, and school districts return to distance learning due to COVID-19 surge.

January 4, 2021

Today: What can we learn from Orange County’s worst public sector COVID bosses? OC headed into what could be toughest month yet of Coronavirus pandemic and reflecting on Orange County’s resiliency in the year of the pandemic, protests, fires elections.

December 29, 2020

Today: Mental health challenges abound during pandemic for people most at risk; hospitals continue to see Coronavirus spike at virus hits north and central OC, and high unemployment rates in Orange County slowly dropping.

December 28, 2020

Today: COVID, lockdown, economy, and lack of health care causing mental health crisis; UC Irvine docs learn early detection of vulnerable COVID patients, and Fountain Valley Regional respiratory therapists at epicenter of COVID-19 battle are burning out.

December 23, 2020

Today: Coronavirus hits OC homeless shelters as hospitalizations continue to skyrocket; three developers, plus Orange County, looking at Willowick Golf Course land, and new Santa Ana mayor aims to improve pandemic response, housing affordability and police oversight.

December 22, 2020

Today: Some OC doctors worry they can’t get Coronavirus vaccine; OC Transportation Authority urges state to place transit workers in second vaccine tier, and city commissioners, often overlooked, but influential force.

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Publication Date: December 30, 2016

For more information, contact Jennifer Muir Beuthin